Building on
250+ years
a vibrant community of Christian Fellowship and service in our modern New England neighborhood...
Please watch our Calendar / Events page for details on new events and activities.
Join us for worship in our sanctuary every Sunday at 10 AM.
We continue to live-stream our worship services. Feel free to tune into our YouTube channel to experience the worship service as it occurs or, watch it later as your days allow.
We continue to reach out in service and give to those in need. We hope and pray that our community, country, and world will continue to experience faith, hope, and love. We continue to hold those who are suffering in prayer, and we hope this website will connect you, or keep you connected, to your faith and our family of faith.
Our Vision
Creating a comfortable environment of Christian fellowship open to all.
Celebrating God's love for the world through prayer, reflection, teaching and song.
Advancing spiritual growth through dynamic ministries for all ages.
Serving our world community near and far.