Serve one another
love your neighbor as yourself
Jesus told us that when we feed the hungry, we feed him. Each year we cook, prepare, and serve a meal at the St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen in downtown Middletown. Each month we deliver food to the Amazing Grace food pantry. Every fall, we participate with other local churches in the Crop Walk which provides food for the hungry on a local and a global scale.
Jesus told us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Each year, we hold a Christmas Giving Program and buy gifts for our neighbors in need. We donate gift cards, Christmas gifts, art supplies, books, gloves, hats, socks, toiletries, and cookie trays to Solnit Children’s Center, Gilead Community Services, Eddy Home, and St. Vincent de Paul.
We hold fundraisers throughout the year that enable us to give widely and generously at Christmas time. These fundraisers include the annual spring tag sale and our Military Whist card games. They provide us the opportunity to raise funds in support of local and global needs.
We support the international and national mission partners of the National Association of Congregational Churches through regular donations.
We have also raised funds for Freedom Service Dogs and Make a Wish Foundation. Recently, we had the joy of working with Habitat for Humanity, to help frame a house for a young military family.
Adding to our outreach, the Westfield Ladies Aid group and friends made over 125 dresses which were given to the Connecticut Ambassador for "Dress A Girl Around the World" to be sent to Poland for Ukrainian refugees and Ethiopia. For more information visit their link: (https://www.dressagirlaroundtheworld.com/
Our building is used by many community organizations outside the church. We sponsor Boy Scouts of America Troop 16 and Cub Pack 43 of Middletown. We also provide space for weekly Narcotics Anonymous meetings, monthly Tobacco Valley Flywheelers meetings, occasional M.A.P.S. dinners and other community events hosted by outside organizations.